segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009




The "Associação Sons da Lusofonia" presents an artistic project of coming and going between neighbourhoods/outskirts of Lisbon city is in that sense that we've been working in the "Lisboa Mistura" project. It means that besides the work developing with each group and each neighbourhood house the A.S.L. brings to Lisbon centre performances/shows of the work developed.

A project mainly directed to the young population living in the neighbourhoods/outskirts of Lisbon city. The objective is to give "voice" and "hearing" in the shape of art communication, and in this particular case, music.
It's intend to give shape and display ragging capacities, thoughts and positive actions that live in the neighbourhoods and lack of tools and ways to create and standing in the city's culture as an identity. The music has a way to express and communicate.

With the collaboration of professional well-known guests, we want to strength the connection between artists and pedagogy, for us is a more effective way of realizing projects with consistence and durability towards the objectives we propose.

Target Audience:
Mainly young population living in the neighbourhoods/outskirts of Lisbon city. Will be selected 3 neighbourhoods. Each rehearsal workshop will have 10 to 25 participants of each neighbourhood. The participation in the workshops will be free of charge. The method utilized will allow the inclusion of other population sectors. The projects developed in the Rehearsal Workshops will be presented to the general public, in the neighbourhood and in Lisbon's centre.

The Project is realized in six steps:
The sensitization phase: (step 1 and 2) - The organization and functionality of the project must be adapted to the different contexts. Having in consideration the local necessities and expectations for that it will be developed instruments that will allow identification of those necessities and resources. Only in that way it will be possible to articulate the different offering and searching aspects and to relate them to all intervenient.

1- Promotion Step
Continuation of the "Lisboa Mistura" workshops (that associates to the project) - open rehearsal - in a live performance in Lisbon centre a presentation to the community-and-to-the-media.

2 - Participants recruitment and project reconciliation
Recruitment of participants as individuals and as an association in a way to reconcile projects; selection of projects and professional artists to integrate in workshops and performances according to the characteristics of each group and its potential.

3- Creation of a network of cultural and technical cooperation.
Through the opening of communication and support paths between the different platforms and tutors, with merit in the work field recognized.

4- Rehearsal Workshops
The development of rehearsal workshops with the objective of creating and performing has a strong educational component in a mixing culture perspective.
In general terms the rehearsal workshops value the active listening and dynamic group techniques, the development of cooperative learning and collective creation, giving the youngest the opportunity of contacting with a cultural diversity as a wealthy experience.
The supervision, education and regular collaboration with associated artists are for us the guarantee of a responsible, a pedagogic and an artistic that should inform each workshop.

5- Performances in the neighbourhoods and Lisbon centre.
There will be organized and produced performances (as an objective) as an artistic product a result of the rehearsal workshops. The performances will be realized in the neighbourhood and in Lisbon centre.

6- Presentation of thoughts and conclusions
The conclusions and reflections presentation will serve as well as a platform for a new action of gathering participants towards a reconciliation of projects.

Project description with background and justification
In the new life urban paradigm, it’s the creative and velocity direction that come to understanding the new paths that will allow people to face the new challenges that are presented today.

It arises the necessity of creating a place of intercultural intervention where human creativity is undertaken as a powerful communication (and intrusion) instrument of union and clearness of our differences.

This project is directed to the youngsters population from the neighbourhood/outskirts of Lisbon city, has an objective to raise the power new relation models that contribute for a better citizenship through a strong personal investment in education. This education to an individual level is for us a starting point for strength and solidarity of a group.

In the artistic musical area, the sounds are worth more than a thousand written or spoken words. The artistic experimentation is therefore a starting point. The experiences with instruments, sounds, words and it’s expressive environment, images and gestures, the stage, the stage fright, etc.
The project will experiment with new languages with the new audiences and in places where the centre is the centre.
We want to contribute for a new approach and methodology in the cultural intervention giving precisely the culture a main part in the experimentation level. The capacity of running risks and investing in the individual and in the group is in our point of view, one of the most important ways of evolution between possibilities many times complex and limited.
For that reason the individual citizen’s education and the collective sharing in the expectation of a bigger solidity in the defence of human rights and equal opportunities is a natural follow-up of the work we have been developing.

The “Associação Sons da Lusofonia” presents for this project one experimental methodology based in the binomial artistic/pedagogy. The novelty is the creation of a hosting group (work name) that will create a series of pedagogic actions (residences) with the neighbourhood youngsters. And it will be bringing to the performances integration in that group the most talented participants in the developing actions.
The hosting group will be constituted and altered in function of each neighbourhood choices adapting to the existing reality. And will be supervised and advised by a pedagogic consultant that shall be hired in function of the neighbourhood and projects in development. Our pedagogic director will make that selection during the development of the project.

With the collaboration of well-known guests artists that will participate in the project, we want to strength the connection between artists and pedagogy, for us is a more effective way of realizing projects with consistency and durability with the objectives that we propose.
Opening paths in the creation of artistic manifestations for those that are so far away without means of communication and where such a unique and singular identification closes itself without identity in generating conflict.
The actions that we will be developing in the neighbourhoods will be directed to the individual to form a group. The group in is capacity of communicating and intervening culturally.

When comparing objectively the implementation of a consolidated Network of Cultural and Technical Cooperation to the projects levels implement in Lisbon’s areas as a way to open paths between professionals and local-power and artists, unifying opportunities between neighbourhoods and the city centre.

General Objectives:
- Strength the cultural neighbourhoods profile and the artistic potential.
- Establishing a network of cultural and technical cooperation between several partners in Lisbon’s city centre and in the neighbourhoods.
- To motivate and grant potential tools to local artistic projects already existing and create new expectations.
- Artistic expression insertion of the neighbourhoods and the individuals in the new values promotion.

Specific Objectives:
- Contribute for the prevention of social conflicts
- To endow the local youth with conflict managing competences and intercultural communication.
- To make easier the participation of local youth in cultural and artistic objectives.
- To encourage the development of cognitive, emotional and instrumental abilities, through artistic and cultural activities.

Expected results:

The project will promote the artistic and cultural development of the local youth and inclusion in the city centre through art communication tools, in this case music.
It will involve a relevant a local population sector in artistic and educational activities. The project will stimulate a positive social dynamic that will lead to the creation of opportunities (also employment) for young local people and the inclusion (connection) of the city centre in the cultural, artistic and educational domains.

Subsistence in the future:
Once establish a Cooperation network and given continuity to the several A.S.L projects we think it will be sustainable to raise funds and determinations to continue the work developed.
We sustain that idea for the fact that some of our pedagogic projects have a greater duration of six years and are still active.

2 comentários:

  1. Boa noite,
    Gostava de entrar em contacto com a vossa associação. Poderia facultar-me número de telefone e/ou e-mail para

  2. Olá!
    Desejo Obter o CD JUNTOS NA DIVERSIDADE. O que devo fazer para o conseguir?
